Your TripWorks account comes with 1 event followup message template, which prompts customers to leave a review for your business.
Event followup messages can be sent to customers automatically up to 3 times following their scheduled event. By default, this message will be auto-sent twice — once 24 hours after the event has ended, and again 72 hours after the event has ended. If, however, the customer leaves a review after receiving the first message, the second one will not be sent.
This article discusses:
- The default settings associated with your event followup messages
- How to change or disable event followup message settings
Default Settings for Event Followup Messages
If you do not make any changes to the default settings associated with your event followup message template, this is how the process will unfold. Expand the items below for more details on each step:
1. Someone begins booking a trip
Someone — a customer, team member, or reseller — begins booking a trip via one of the TripWorks Booking Methods. They complete at least the first screen of the booking flow (in which they provide the name, email address, and phone number of the trip's point of contact)

2. Platform saves the trip as a draft
Once the first screen of the booking flow is completed, the platform automatically creates a draft trip — that is, a trip with a Draft trip status. The draft trip includes:
- The customer's contact information (name, email address, and phone number)
- Activity details (the date, time, and activity in which they've shown interest)
Your team can review draft trips at any time from the Sales View of the dashboard

3. Trip status changes from Draft to Reserved
The trip status changes from Draft to Reserved when either the customer applies payment to the trip, or a team member manually updates the trip status. Regardless of which method is used to change the trip status to Reserved, it is this action that queues the event followup messages to send automatically.
From the Sales View, a green checkmark indicates a Reserved trip, while a clock icon indicates a Draft trip

4. Customer receives event followup messages after the event
The platform queues to send the event followup message at two preset intervals: 24 hours and 72 hours following the event. If the customer leaves a review after receiving the first followup message, the second message will not be sent

Customize Event Followup Messages & Auto-Send Settings
The default event followup message settings illustrated above are adjustable, as is the message template's content itself. Follow these links to learn more about your options:
- Edit an Existing Message Template
- Customize Event Followup Message Settings
- Create a New Message Template (then select the new template to auto-send when you Customize Event Followup Message Settings)