What does it mean to "Unlink Customer"?

Written By Michelle

Updated on November 7th, 2022

When you edit the booking details of a trip's lead traveler — that is, the first traveler listed on the trip — you may come across an "Unlink Customer?" dialog box. This prompt is triggered when the new booking details you've entered vary drastically from the original ones, as it signals to the platform that you are adding information about an entirely separate person.



Should I Update or Split the Contacts?

Selecting the Update button will cause the new booking details to replace the information currently shown for the first traveler listed on the trip, as well as the Guest Info displayed on the left. By making this selection, you are declaring that this newest addition to the trip should be considered both its lead traveler and primary point of contact from this point forward.By selecting Update, our newcomer (Phil) has replaced David as both the lead traveler and point of contact

Selecting the Split button will cause the new booking details to replace only the information shown for the first traveler listed. By making this selection, you are declaring that this newest addition to the trip should be considered its lead traveler while its original point of contact remains the same.
By selecting Split, our newcomer (Phil) has replaced David as the lead traveler only

For more information about lead travelers and points of contact, visit: