Can I make my phone number clickable?

Written By Michelle

Updated on November 30th, 2022

Yes. Through TripWorks, you can give online shoppers the option to click or tap a phone number from the booking widget.

When users select the phone number from a desktop, they will be directed to whichever app(s) their computer recommends to complete the call. When they tap the phone number from their mobile phones, they will be sent directly to their phone app with the phone number pre-populated.

  1. Navigate to the desired experience by selecting More > Experience Catalog from the toolbar, then choosing the experience.
  2. Ensure the Description option is selected from the sidebar menu.
  3. Under the Description and/or Policies tabs, choose which rich text field your linked phone number will live in. Rich text fields are those that include formatting customization options.

  4. Add the desired text to the rich text field, then highlight the text you want to appear as a hyperlink.

  5. With the text highlighted, choose the hyperlink button, then choose Insert Link.

  6. In the URL field, input the phone number following this format: Tel:+ + Country Code + Phone Number (without spaces or special characters). The result will look something like this: Tel:+15555555555.

  7. Choose Insert. (For linked phone numbers, there is no need to select the Open link in new tab checkbox. Doing so will not impact the user's experience.)
  8. Be sure to Save your changes.