Why is my payout amount different from the amount expected?

Written By Michelle

Updated on October 5th, 2022

Once you get into the rhythm of any regularly scheduled banking transaction, you expect to know exactly what's coming at the end of each payment cycle. While the TripWorks platform strives to make your payout schedule as simple and predictable as possible, there are a few factors specific to Stripe — our partnered payment processor — that can cause a payout amount to differ from the amount you may have been expecting.

Reasons Your Payout Isn't the Amount You Expected

Transactions Were Processed After the 00:00 UTC Cutoff Time

Stripe uses 00:00 UTC (that is, midnight on the Universal Time Clock) as its cutoff time for which transactions to include in the next scheduled payout. If a transaction you expected to see in your most recent payout was excluded, it may not have been processed until after 00:00 UTC, in which case it should appear in your next payout.

A Refund Or Dispute Is in Progress

If a refund or dispute is being processed, that can impact the balance of your schedule payouts. Until the refund and/or dispute is resolved, it will not appear on your next scheduled payout.

Resolving Payout Concerns

Rest assured, we at TripWorks are here to answer your questions and ensure that you receive your due payouts in full. If at any point you want to review the specific transactions included in the payout that has prompted your concern, you can visit the Payout Report.

And, of course, you can always contact our Support Team with any further questions.