Customize Event Reminder Message Settings

Edit, update, or remove the message templates sent to customers to remind them of their upcoming trip.

Written By Michelle

Updated on February 3rd, 2023

By default, the Event Reminder Message‍ included in your Message Template Library automatically sends to customers 24 hours and 4 hours before their scheduled event begins.

This article outlines how you can change or disable these message settings.

Customize Event Reminder Auto-Send Settings

  1. Go to More > Experience Catalog, then choose the experience for which you want to adjust the event reminder message settings.
  2. Select In Advance from the sidebar menu.

  3. Make the desired adjustments to the message settings. Expand the items below for further guidance.

    Disable auto-send for one or both event reminder messages

    If you want to prevent one or both event reminder messages from sending automatically, simply unselect the corresponding checkbox(es).


    Adjust the times at which the event reminder messages auto-send

    1. Ensure the checkbox is selected for the reminder you wish to update.

    2. Update the corresponding text field to reflect the time at which the message should auto-send.

    Edit or rewrite a selected message template

    If you want to edit or rewrite an event reminder message, rather than create a new one from scratch, see Edit an Existing Message Template‍.


    Select a different message template to auto-send

    1. Ensure the checkbox is selected for the reminder you wish to update.

    2. Select the desired message template from the drop-down menu. If the message template you want to select does not yet exist, you will need to Create a New Message Template‍, then return to this screen and select your new template from the drop-down.

    Select a message template that's missing from the drop-down menu

    If there is a specific message template you want to select but do not see in the drop-down menu, you will need to assign the message template to the Event Reminder template category. For details on assigning your message template to a different category, visit Edit an Existing Message Template.‍


  4. Save your changes.