What's the difference between the lead traveler and the point of contact?

Written By Michelle

Updated on November 4th, 2022

When discussing the customers who comprise a trip, there is one important distinction to be made: the trip's lead traveler vs. point of contact. Put simply:

  • The lead traveler is the first person listed on the trip, while
  • The point of contact is the person who booked the trip and therefore receives, by default, Automated Messagingabout the trip (confirmation emails, trip alerts, etc.).

A trip's lead traveler and point of contact are often — but not always — the same person.

Lead Traveler vs. Point of Contact

When a reservation is made — regardless of which Booking Method is used — ‍the booking flow prompts the user to specify whether the point of contact will be a traveler on the trip. In other words, if the person booking the trip knows upfront that they will not be attending the event themselves (for instance, if they are purchasing the trip as a gift), this checkbox should be unselected.

If this checkbox remains selected, the person booking the trip will appear as both the point of contact and the lead traveler once the trip is booked.
David appears as both point of contact and lead traveler for this trip

If this checkbox is unselected, the person booking the trip appears as the point of contact but not the lead traveler.Phil (another traveler on the trip) appears as the lead traveler while David remains the point of contact
If for any reason you need to make changes to the lead traveler or point of contact once a trip is booked (for example, if the "will be one of the travelers on this booking" checkbox was mistakenly selected during the booking process), you can edit those details easily. For more information, visit Can I change the lead traveler and/or point of contact after a trip is booked?‍