Dynamic Pricing

Apply unique pricing rates based on the number of travelers booking a trip, the remaining number of tickets available, and/or the amount of time remaining before the event begins.

Written By Michelle

Updated on November 1st, 2022

Dynamic pricing refers to unique rates that apply only when a predefined trigger takes place during the booking process. For instance, you can create dynamic pricing rules based on any of the following criteria:

  • Passenger count (e.g. Charge less per ticket when a trip is booked for 3 or more)
  • Availability limits (e.g. Charge more when only 3 spots are left on a timeslot)
  • Advance window limits (e.g. Charge more for trips booked less than 24 hours in advance; charge less for trips booked more than 2 weeks in advance)
  • Specific dates and times (e.g. Charge different rates for pique business hours, holidays, and ‍other time-based criteria. Visit Seasonal Pricing to learn more about this particular form of dynamic pricing.)


Please Note

Dynamic pricing rules are applied automatically when triggered during the booking process only. If you want to adjust the ticket prices for a trip that has already been booked, see Comp, Uncomp & Reprice Tickets.‍

Create Dynamic Pricing Rules

  1. Navigate to the desired experience by selecting More > Experience Catalog from the toolbar, then choosing the experience from the list.
  2. Select Rate Sheets from the sidebar menu.
  3. Choose Add Rate Sheet.
  4. Give your new rate sheet a fitting name, then choose Create Rate Sheet.

  5. Select the rate sheet you have just created.
  6. Under the Channels tab:
    1. Select the channel(s) through which you want this unique pricing to apply.
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  7. Under the Criteria tab, define your dynamic pricing rules. Expand the items below for guidance on creating rules based on each type of criteria:

    Passenger Count

    1. In the Limit by Passenger Count section, select the Apply only when guest count is between... drop-down option.

    2. In the corresponding text fields, input the minimum and maximum traveler count for which this rule should apply. For instance, if you only want this rate sheet's unique pricing rates to apply when 2-3 people book a trip, input "2" and "3" in the text fields.

    3. If you want this rule to be triggered only when the defined traveler count is met by travelers of the same ticket type (e.g. 2-3 Adult tickets or 2-3 Child tickets, but not a combination of 2-3 Adult and Child tickets), select the ticket types must be the same checkbox. For details and examples, see What does the "ticket types must be the same" checkbox do?‍ 

    Availability Limits

    1. In the Availability Limits section, select the Apply only when drop-down option.

    2. Use the corresponding drop-down menus to define your dynamic pricing rule. In the screenshot below, for instance, we are applying increased rates when our experience has fewer than 3 tickets available.

    Advance Window Limits

    1. In the Advance Window Limits section, select the Apply only when purchase date is drop-down option.

    2. Use the corresponding drop-down menus to define your dynamic pricing rule. In the screenshot below, we are applying increased rates when customers book the experience less than 24 hours in advance.
  8. Under the Settings tab:
    1. Set the prices you want applied to each ticket type whenever your new rule is triggered.
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    2. If you plan to associate more than one dynamic pricing rule with this experience — and if those rules contain overlapping criteria — you will need to rank your rate sheets using the Priority field. This field tells the platform which pricing rates to apply when a booking meets the criteria of more than one rate sheet. For details and examples, see What is the purpose of the Priority field for rate sheets?

    3. Ensure your rate sheet is set to the desired status. Select:
      1. Draft - If you want to save this rate sheet for later but not apply its price settings yet.
      2. Live - If you want these price settings to apply as soon as you save this rate sheet.
      3. Archived - If this is an existing rate sheet that you no longer wish to apply.
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  9. Choose the Save button.